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Fox Run - Portable Food Infusion Smoker

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SKU: FOX-76611
Brand: Fox Run
SKU: FOX-76611
Brand: Fox Run
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Fox Run - Portable Food Infusion Smoker Description

This Outset portable infusion smoker delivers full flavor and offers the perfect balance for cold smoking meat, fish, vegetables, desserts, beverages and classic cocktails in just 5 minutes. Cold smoking gently infuses a measured amount of natural cool smoke to enhance flavors without cooking or preserving foods, or changing textures or temperatures. It's battery-operated for portable, versatile use anywhere. Integrated stand for comfortable, single-handed operation. The silicone nozzle extender hose places smoke with precision. Approved for commercial use, the cold smoker is perfect for home use. Simply fill burn chamber, light the combustibles, and apply the smoke. Includes replacement smoke screens, wood chip sample pack (1/2-ounce each apple and Hickory flavors). Disassembles easily without tools. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

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Brand Fox Run