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Medipop - Portable UV Led Light Sterillizer

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Brand: Medipop
Brand: Medipop
Was: $100.00
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Medipop - Portable UV Led Light Sterillizer Description

Wearing masks and washing hands has become the new normal in 2020…

It has also become increasingly important to sterilize the things we touch the most – like keyboards, remote controls and mouse pads.
The MEDIPOP U STICK  can eliminate almost all germs and bacteria on the surface of almost any object in 60 seconds or less with it's powerful UV light. This versatile stick is small enough to fit in any bag or drawer, so you can be ready to sterilize at any time. Re-chargeable by USB.

Purple Light Principle

This product uses LED to emit ultraviolet rays which are proven to destroy bacteria cells by damaging the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) effectively sterilizing and disinfecting the surface which you apply the light. 

Directions for Use

1. Slide the ON/OFF button to the ON position and the display should read "000" in the window. 

2. Press the Power key once for 60 seconds (or twice for 180 seconds). The countdown will then begin and the lights will turn on. 

3. Hold wand 1-2 inches above surface you are disinfecting. 

4. Gradually move the wand over the surface making sure to expose each area to light for 5-10 seconds for optimal results. Depending on the size of item you are covering will determine how much time it will take. A phone would take 60 seconds ... whereas an ipad or keyboard might take 120-180 seconds. 

5. When "000" appears in the window the operation in complete. 

6. When finished move switch to OFF potion to preserve battery. 


• Portable: Can be carried in any briefcase, bag or even a pocket

• Fast: disinfect your phone in 60 seconds

• Convenient: USB for easy charging anywhere

• Protective: reduce the spread of germs and bacteria


• LED Purple: UVC 265-280 nm - UVA 395-405nm

• Input: 5v-2.0A (USB Type-C)

• Battery: 2W (LED3535*3Pcs) - Lithium Battery 3.7V 500mAh

• Disinfection time: 10 to 60 seconds

• Temperature: Operating 0-40° - Storage 20-45°

• Running time: 2 hours

Product Specifications
Brand Medipop