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Hunky Bill's - Big Perogie Maker

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SKU: NAA-HB24234
Brand: Kuhn Rikon
Hunky Bill's - Big Perogie Maker
SKU: NAA-HB24234
Brand: Kuhn Rikon
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Hunky Bill's - Big Perogie Maker Description

Makes 18 Large Perogies

Born in the “true” North end of Winnipeg on Euclid Avenue in Point Douglas on May 15th 1931, Hunky Bill attended Norquay, Aberdeen and St. John’s Schools. He worked at the C.P. Telegraphs till l956 before migrating to Chicago, where he lived for two years.

Working as a freelance sports reporter, Bill met and interviewed many sports celebrities including Mickey Mantle, Casey Stengel, Bobby Hull, Yogi Berra and the legendary Ted Williams. Casey Stengel called him the Crazy Canuck after watching him consume his favorite beverage – beer.

He met his wife to be Kay Eyre in l958 and they married in Winnipeg where Bill joined radio station CKY. Bill and Kay stayed in Winnipeg until l966, taking their two sons Billy and Clay to Vancouver to join the CJOR team.

In l967 the radio station CFUN made him General Sales Manager and he stayed there until 1971. While at CFUN he was also importing Ukrainian food from Winnipeg. While enjoying himself one day at the Ritz Hotel, a friend bet him ten dollars that he couldn’t get a booth at the Pacific National Exhibition (Vancouver’s big annual fair.). Bill went down to the PNE and pleaded and argued for an hour and finally he was given a booth. He won his ten-dollar bet and the rest is history. Another important happening was a third son Mark being born in May of l967.

Hunky Bill’s Perogie Maker was a smash success. It allows the user to cut, seal and form perogies in one easy step. The B-I-G and Little Perogie Makers are available around the world. So buy a Perogie Maker and hold a perogie party!

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Brand Kuhn Rikon